Author Guidelines
Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu contains the results of community service in the health of society, pharmacy and nursing
General provisions
Articles that have not been published in any journal are or not in the status of received (accepted) for publication. This article is a result of Community devotion that has relevance to the health of public Health, pharmacy and nursing
Writing systematics
The article consists of 8-12 pages, typed with a space of 1 in A4 size paper with the font of Times New Roman size 12 and using body note. Writing that will be loaded using both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
The article arrangement consists of: title, author name, abstract, keyword, introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion and references.
Article Writing conditions:
- Title: 15-20 words.
- Author name: Written without a degree, with email address and institution name
- Abstract written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, consisting of 150-250 words and contains about: The purpose of activities, methods and outcomes or product activities.
- The keyword is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, 3-5 words each.
- Introduction: Contains conditions or problems that are behind the implementation of activities and objectives of community dedication
- Method: Outlines the way that is used to resolve the problem. Example method: A) Community education, such as counseling aimed at improving understanding and awareness, B) diffusion of Ipteks, such as activities that produce products for target groups, c) training, such as activities that are accompanied by Demonstration or pilot to produce certain skills, d) mediation, such as activities that demonstrate the PkM executor as a mediator in resolving the problems that exist in the community, e) advocacy, such as activities that are in the form of Mentoring to target groups. Also explain the characteristics of the target groups who are partners of community service activities.
- Results and discussion: explaining the results or external community service can be increased knowledge, skills or product. Results also expressed the level of achievement of target activities. If an object needs to be an explanation of the product's spresification, its advantages and weaknesses. External writing needs to be completed with photos, tables, charts, charts, pictures etc. Sequential discussions correspond to the order in which the objectives are, and are explained first. The discussion includes logical arguments by associating the results of the PkM with the theory, the results of the other Pfis and or the results of research.
- Conclusion: It is written in a concise manner but describes the substance of community devotion. and recommendations for the next community service activities.
- References : The references is written based on the Model APA 5th (American Psychological Association). Highly-encoded using the Reference Manager (end note, Mendeley, Zetero etc.) for easy editing and review.