Penyuluhan penyakit asam urat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pencegahan penyakit asam urat di GOR Satria Purwokerto

  • Made Suandika, Dr Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University
  • Rahmaya Nova Handayani, Dr Département of Anesthesia, Faculty Health Science, Harapan Bangsa University
  • Refa Teja Muti, M.Kep Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University
  • Zuhrotun Nisha Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University
  • Yuris Tri Nailli, Dr Departement of Law, Faculty of Social Science, Harapan Bangsa University
  • Marlia Hafny Afrilies, S.H., M.H. Departement of Law, Faculty of Social Science, Harapan Bangsa University
  • Yoga Syahputra Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University
  • Titin Selwia Amana Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University
  • Theresia Uci Ikayun Muris Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University
  • Yohanes Bambang P Departement of Anesthesia,Faculty Health and Science Harapan Bangsa University



Asam urat merupakan hasil metabolisme akhir dari purin yaitu salah satu komponen asam nukleat yang terdapat dalam inti sel tubuh. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatakan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pencegahan penyakit asam urat. Penyuluhan kepada masyarakat ini telah dilakukan Di Gor Satria Purwokerto dengan metode penyuluhan interpersonal (Face to face) secara langsung dengan menjelaskan pengertian, tanda dan gejala, faktor penyebab, serta cara pencegahan asam urat dengan lembar bolak-balik (leaflet), mengkaji BB, TB, TD, MAP, dan juga menghitung IMT tiap partisipan. Ada 40 partisipan yang terlibat diantaranya laki-laki 15 (37,5%) perempuan 25 (62,5%) dengan 7 fasilitator. Telah dilakukan pengukuran tekanan darah sistol dan diastol peserta PKM dan didapatkan hasil bahwa yang mengalami tensi rendah 1 orang (2,5%), tensi tinggi 9 orang (22,5%) dan tensi normal 30 orang (75%). Sebagian besar memiliki MAP dengan kategori normal sebanyak 37 orang (92,5%) dan sisanya memiliki MAP tinggi sebanyak 3 orang (7,5%). Dan didapatkan pula hasil IMT yang mengalami BB Ideal 26 orang (65%), obesitas 4 orang (10%), gemuk 8 orang (20%) dan kurus 2 orang (5%). Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan sangat baik dengan hasil sebagian besar partisipan mengerti tentang pencegahan Asam Urat. PKM ini berjalan dengan lancar, penyuluhan Gout Artritis dapat sampai ke masyarakat dan bisa diterima. Diharapakan setelah dilakukannya PKM ini dengan pemahaman yang benar, partisipan dapat memulai kesiapan dalam menghadapi berbagai kemungkinan terkena penyakit asam urat dengan mengenali tanda serta gejala awal.

Keyword: Asam Urat, Gout Artritis, Penyuluhan, Pencegahan


Uric acid is the final metabolic result of purines, which is one of the components of nucleic acids found in the nucleus of body cells. This Community Service aims to increase public awareness about the prevention of gout. This counseling to the community has been carried out at Gor Satria Purwokerto with a direct interpersonal counseling method (Face to face) by explaining the definition, signs and symptoms, causative factors, and how to prevent gout with a back-and-forth sheet (leaflet), reviewing BB, TB, TD, MAP, and also calculating the BMI of each participant. There were 40 participants involved, including 15 men (37.5%), 25 women (62.5%) with 7 facilitators. Systole and diastolic blood pressure measurements have been carried out for PKM participants and the results were obtained that 1 person (2.5%) experienced low tension, 9 people (22.5%) with high tension and 30 people (75%) with normal tension. Most of them had MAP with a normal category of 37 people (92,5%) and the rest had a high MAP of 3 people (7,5%). And the results of BMI were also obtained that 26 people (65%) experienced Ideal BB, 4 people were obese (10%), 8 people were obese (20%) and 2 people were thin (5%). The counseling was carried out very well with the results that most of the participants understood about the prevention of Gout. This PKM runs smoothly, Gout Arthritis counseling can reach the community and can be accepted. It is hoped that after carrying out this PKM with the correct understanding, participants can start their readiness to face various possibilities of gout by recognizing the early signs and symptoms.

Keywords: Gout, Gouty Arthritis, Education, Prevention


How to Cite
SUANDIKA, Made et al. Penyuluhan penyakit asam urat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pencegahan penyakit asam urat di GOR Satria Purwokerto. Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI), [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 35-45, nov. 2024. ISSN 2686-1003. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi: